Patient Insights Dashboard
An efficient patient data-based method for streamlining RT treatment decisions
Project Type
I was hired as a UX designer, enabling doctors and nurses in radiotherapy to find documents 3x faster.
B2B Dashboard
4 months
Product Manager X1
Design Manager X1
Engineer X4
Doctor/Expert X10
Increase work efficiency by 90% | Achieve 100% satisfaction rate in the beta testing
I led the redesign of a B2B patient insights dashboard, achieving a 100% satisfaction rate during beta testing and ultimately succeeding in increasing productivity by 90%.
This success is attributed to my integration of 5 document processing platforms into a unified system, along with user data-driven enhancements such as the implementation of dark mode.
Inefficient collaboration in radiation Therapy due to scattered patient insights
In the field of radiation therapy, things can get very complicated: Imagine a relay race—oncologists, physicists, and therapists all have to smoothly pass along patient treatment files and data. It often takes over 30 mins to ask for access and transfer documents.
How might we...
streamline the process of accessing medical documents within the team to boost the efficiency of radiology team collaboration?
Primary Research
3 Key research insights & user needs
I set up a focus group with 3 radiologists and PM to understand struggles with information access. This involved a discussion over a period of 3 hours. Here’s what I found:
Current Issue
Information architecture is flat and overcrowded
After the focus group and interviews with stakeholders, I analyzed the existing patient data sharing system. The existing platform prioritized less clicks. However, this resulted in an overcrowding of the screen making patient data hard to find.
A flat architecture is not suitable for apps with a vast amount of content or complex hierarchical structures.
Opportunity 2
Another challenge was patient transfers
Another challenge comes from patients who are transferred from other hospitals. Lack of data transcription system requires doctors to cross-check prescriptions to confirm patient's treatment stage.
To address this, I proposed to create a patient treatment process tracking tool so that doctors are able to track their work tasks either.
Check the current stage with the specific docs, hovering to the detailed timeline info.
Also, check the process completion ratio of the current stage
User Testing Feedback
New dashboard tested well, but it was identified four key insights for iteration.
I set up a user testing of finalized wireframes with 3 doctors and our PM. I got some feedback of the ux content and use flow,
Works well
The team has validated and delivered the final page (below) mockup with the PM and dev team. After that, I optimized the visuals and front-end quality based on test feedback.
PM Mock of patient insight dashboard
“Usually doctors use MRN(medical record number) + Last Name to identify patients on patient list.”
Add MRN(medical record number) + Last Name
“Doctors would need a section to summarize previous treatment. Most reports and documents has multiple pages. Simulation orders and prescriptions are not related, should be displayed separately.”
· Larger and draggable canvas to show docs, higher priority
· Need a zoom button
· Being able to download
“Check the completion ratio of the current stage is not that useful. Need to show a list of tasks from the source in the pop up bubble. Don’t have to use that much space to show the timeline”
Lower the priority of tracking timeline, put it in the patient information section
Review in the patient list. Switch among different patients dashboard intuitively.
“Might has 70-80 docs per patients, it’s neccesary to classify the docs.”
Quickly switch different types of documents, because some documents should be always checked in multiple stages.
New Need
Unique working environment
In the second testing, stakeholders told us that when they use the dashboard in the RT room, the environment is relatively dark, and they hope to have dark mode to protect their eyes.
Consequently, I determined to use blue color to fit light and dark mode.
The Pain Reliever
Final Design
I finalized the hi-fi based on the updated design system.
Main page/Home page with patient information/summarize docs/doc classification sections
Patient list with reviewing patient full name/MRN/current treatment stage
Patient initial docs list with their referral hospital/upload time/status/doctor.
Docs zoom in/full view page
Integrately View RT treatment prescriptions for different stages
Dark mode
Significant Impact
Browsing time decreased from 30 minutes to 3 minutes, speed by 300%.
I set up beta testing with 10 experts/doctors to check the impact of our applied design.
It’s significant that the dashboard helps them slash the time needed to access crucial patient info from 30 minutes down to just 3 minutes. Also, they appreciate the dark mode.